As you may know, our Event Bridge solution provides a comprehensive, robust connection between Salesforce and your Eventbrite account. As a consequence, many people think that it must be really difficult to set-up and use. They are wrong!

The answer is that we can set it up for you. Set up takes less than an hour!

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Installation – 1 hour

We will need access to your Salesforce to set up the connection. (We can do this via a screenshare.) Alternatively we can provide instructions on how to do this and you send us a few pieces of information. We can then establish the secure connection.

There are some fields to install in Salesforce – we give you a special link and a Salesforce package installs them all. There is a second package you can install, which will give you improved functionality.

We will give you a special website to visit. This lets you log into Eventbrite and grant us access. You will be given a response code, which you cen give to us. We can then generate the secure connection to Eventbrite.

With that information, we can set up the Event Bridge service and wagons roll!

In under an hour it will all be working.

Set up an Event in Salesforce – 1 minute

But how do you set up an event in Salesforce?

All you do is create a campaign. Give the campaign a name and copy from your Eventbrite event the Event Id. Paste this into the new field in your campaign. From then on, Event Bridge will bring over all your attendee information from Eventbrite… including attendance data.

It’s so easy.

Shortly we will have a video available demonstrating the event setup process.

What Next?

Well you should just have freed up a load of time where you no longer need to copy Eventbrite data manually into Salesforce.

You can trigger emails and other communication channels based on whether your ticket purchasers buy or do not buy tickets. In this way you can give your customers a great journey that makes them come back for more.

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